Spelling Bee Words by Grade
Browse our comprehensive collection of spelling bee words organized by grade level.
Select Your Grade Level
Choose a grade level to view appropriate spelling bee words for students.
About Our Word Lists
Our spelling bee word lists are carefully curated for each grade level.
Each word list is carefully selected to match the vocabulary and spelling skills appropriate for each grade level. Words progress in difficulty as grade levels advance, ensuring students are appropriately challenged.
Within each grade level, words are categorized as Easy, Medium, or Challenging, allowing teachers and students to focus on words that match their current skill level and gradually progress to more difficult words.
Our word lists cover a wide range of vocabulary, including common words, academic terms, and subject-specific vocabulary that students might encounter in their grade-level curriculum.
All word lists are reviewed by education professionals to ensure they align with educational standards and provide appropriate challenges for students at each grade level.
How to Use Our Word Lists
Get the most out of our spelling bee word lists with these tips.
For Classroom Practice
Teachers can use these lists for weekly spelling tests, classroom spelling bees, or vocabulary building exercises.
For Competitions
Organizers can select words from appropriate grade levels to create balanced and challenging spelling bee competitions.
For Home Practice
Parents can help children practice with grade-appropriate words using our printable lists and practice tools.